Our Two Cents with MBA
Join us at the Missouri Bankers Association as we invite guests from across the banking industry to engage in informative and thought provoking conversations. We'll discuss a wide variety of critical topics, including legislative priorities, regulatory updates, major technology trends, attracting and retaining talent, and much more.
Our Two Cents with MBA
Hitting the Right Mark on Recruitment & Retention
Missouri Bankers Association
Season 3
Episode 1
What must an employer do to attract great prospective candidates while simultaneously ensuring current employees are enjoying their work environment? It’s a question that weighs heavily on the minds of employers across all industries.
In this episode of Our Two Cents with MBA, Karen Shannon, vice president with Ollis/Akers/Arney in Springfield, Missouri, joins us to share her insights on how banks can stand out in today’s job market and how to keep current employees motivated and engaged. She also shares how LinkedIn plays a key role in both recruitment and employee engagement.