Our Two Cents with MBA

2022 Hot Topics in Compliance

Missouri Bankers Association

In this episode, we discuss compliance hot topics in 2022 with MBA's Compliance Department. Senior Vice President Carol Barnett, Vice President Gina Jolly and Vice President Bryan Bradley dive into a wide range of topics, including overdraft protection, the explosion of buy now pay later, Reg E, Fair Lending and HMDA. They also discuss what they're hearing from examiners and recent issues cropping up in bank reviews around the state. For references provided during the podcast, check out the links below.

CFPB Prioritizing Resources Against Racial Bias in Home Appraisals | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (consumerfinance.gov)
Federal Housing Administration “HUD Reinforces Appraisal Fair Housing Compliance and Issues Updated General Appraisal Requirements” SFH_FHA_INFO_21-101.pdf (hud.gov) 

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